Small Biz Drs - Google My Business (GMB) Services in South Shore, MA

Boost Your Visibility Locally: Expert Google My Business Services

Why is GMB important?
From Rand Fishkin one of the key leaders in SEO in a presentation:

  • Organic Click through rate (CTR) is 52.96%                       
  • About 15 organic clicks for every paid click
  • Paid CTR:  3.49%         (Down from about 20 a year ago)
  • No click searches;  47.04%               
  • For every 10 organic clicks, 8.8 searches with 0 clicks
Google My Business Service - Small Biz Drs LLC

1.46% of all Google searches have local intent [source: HubSpot] that’s 1.6 billion seaches per day where people are looking for products, services and information in their location.

Google searches local intent
google search - small biz drs llc-min

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2.93% of all local searches now feature GMB [Source: STAT Analytics] So virtually all of those searches feature GMB.

GMB - Small Biz Drs LLC
Local searches now feature GMB

3.68% of people contact a business directly from search results [Source: Search Engine Land]

People contact a business directly from search results

If they are on a mobile device  – which 50% of all web traffic is – all they have to do is tap a link.

mobile users - small-biz-drs-llc
Web Traffic
Mobile Device User 50%

88% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. [Sources: Forbes]

People's Trust
People Trust Online Reviews 88%

Key ways Optimize GMB

Local SEO

Getting GMB and getting your business registered/cited on local directories aka citiations. 

  • We manually input your business NAP (business name, address and phone) across citations
  • Find relevelant niche cititations for optimum effect