Small Biz Drs - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services - Onpage and Offpage

Boosting Your Visibility: Strategic SEO Solutions for Online Success

Today when someone needs something they go to Google.  That is why you need to be ranked on Google.  Statistics show, and most people wouldn’t argue that 90% of people chose from the first page of their Google search so it is essential to be on page one.  This is why you need SEO (search engine optimization) which needs professional assistance because of the technical aspects and the ever-changing algorithms Google uses.  Optimizing your website is time consuming, costly and it takes time to see results.  You need to establish authority and trust which you can do by posting fresh, relevant content. You also need to have authoritative, trusted sites link to your site. 

SEO – local companies taking advantage to drive traffic to website and generate new leads; Let us put you on the map – 90% of internet experiences start with a search, local companies need to take advantage of online searches and the only way to win at search results is to follow Googles guidelines. Using these guideling ensure that Google search users quickly and easily find your company.

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SEO in the process and practice that causes your company to rank effectively on Google and other search engines platforms like Bing.  A good SEO company understands that in order to grow a business online includes an arsenal of digital tools which include things like social media management, optimized web design, optimized GMB, Google Ads, etc.
Between 70% and 80% of online users ignore Ads and focus on organic searches.

On Page SEO refers to settings you can apply on your website so that it is optimized for search engines. The most important On-Page SEO tips are:

  • Having optimized Meta titles and descriptions
  • Proper URL Structures
  • User friendly navigation (breadcrumbs, user sitemaps)
  • Optimized Internal Links
  • Text Formatting (use of headings: h1,h2,bold etc)
  • Image optimization (image size, proper image names, use of ALT tag)
  • User friendly 404 pages
  • Fast loading pages, site speed
  • Mobile Friendly pages
  • Top quality fresh content (This is always the most important SEO factor!) that is authoritative, high quality, revelant and never duplicated
  • Content length 
  • Use of best Keywords
  • External links (no broken links or links to ‘bad’ sites)
  • Social tage
  • Crawlability (site map)
  • Security (SSL)

On-page SEO deals with how well your website looks in the eyes of search engines. We make sure your website uses the right wording, phrases, structure, and more.

  • Search Engine Optimized (SEO) – on site – We research new changes in SEO every day.  We will make sure your titles and descriptions for each page are the proper length to be seen correctly and use varied keywords. We make sure pictures and videos are labeled correctly with keywords and the size is optimized to not slow your site down. We change and add to content to vary it and your keywords.  The sites will be SSL certified and have a site map; important quality to search engines such as Google.

Off-page SEO is everything that is done “off” your website, or not on your website. After optimizing your website (on-page SEO), we focus on off-page SEO. We build backlinks to your website, build trust for your website, engage in social media related to your site, outreach blogging, and much more.
Link to Moz authority on explaining backlinks:
We build high quality backlinks to your website, from a variety of top, trusted, relevant, and authentic websites.